00 12/04/2008 19:01

Prison Break star Wentworth Miller indulges in his caffeine addiction and grabs his daily Starbucks fix in Larchmont, Calif. on Wednesday.

The 35-year-old Prison Break star carried around a fluffy pillow, handcuffs and a ring of oversized keys.

Looks like Mr. Miller might be having some extra fun in the bedroom tonight!

Pillow from Bed, Bath and Beyond. Sunglasses by Ray-Ban.

15+ pictures inside of pillow talk with Wentworth Miller…

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Fonte: Justared
E' tutto pronto l'orchestra suona e penso a quando sarai qui, a quando riprenderai il tuo posto e mi vedrai spuntare dal buio sulla scena.Intanto sono qui e questa è la mia prova generale... Coraggio! Tocca a me!
Buona fortuna Zero!...

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